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Rake and Wheelbarrow

Prevention For Homeowners

If you are a new property owner or even if you are just renting, there is a lot to learn about what you can do to minimize the spread of invasive plants in your backyard!


Many invasive plants are deceivingly beautiful with brilliant flowers. Some are commonly mistaken and knowingly sold as ornamental species for our gardens. They can escape gardens and have the potential to take over large areas, rapidly outcompete native species and negatively impact local ecosystems. 


These invasive plants can contribute to a decrease in your property value and the landowner is legally responsibility to control designated noxious weeds under the Regional District’s bylaw No. 2065.


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Knotweeds can compromise foundations with their powerful roots.

Here are some steps you can take to prevent or control the spread of invasive plants on your property:


  • Learn to identify invasive plants and report new sightings.

  • Be plantwise! Select non-invasive plants for your garden.

  • Avoid wildflower seed mixtures, unless they are local, native species.

  • Control invasive plants before they go to seed.

  • Use best practices when landscaping.

  • Clean off your gear and equipment to prevent plant parts and seeds from spreading.

  • Dispose of invasive plants properly! Do not place invasive plants in your compost or yard waste bin.

  • Large volumes of invasive plants should be taken to your local landfill for proper disposal.

  • Re-plant bare soils to prevent new invasive plants from taking over.

  • Share what you know. Inform neighbours.


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Invasive Trees of the Okanagan - Similkameen


Learn how to identify and manage invasive trees on your property.


Homeowners Guide Antelope Brush Preview.png

Homeowners Guide to Invasive Plants in Antelope-Brush Grasslands


Learn how you can prevent invasive plant spread on your property, specific to Antelope-brush grasslands.


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Homeowners Guide to Invasive Plants in Ponderosa Pine Ecosystems


Learn how you can prevent invasive plant spread on your property, specific to ponderosa pine ecosystems.


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Homeowners Guide to Invasive Plants in Wetlands


Learn how you can prevent invasive plant spread on your property, specific to wetlands.


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Homeowners Guide to Invasive Plants in Riparian Ecosystems


Learn how you can prevent invasive plant spread on your property, specific to riparian ecosystems.


Invasive plant guide

A Guide to Identifying Invasive Plants and Weeds


Learn how to identify invasive plants and weeds in your region.



Plantwise Guide


Learn about recommended alternatives for the region's most unwanted horticultural plants. 



Useful Links


For tips on how to identify, prevent, treat and report invasive species, visit Okanagan Invasive Species Online




Okanagan and Similkameen

Invasive Species Society


We respectfully acknowledge that our work primarily takes place on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Syilx (Okanagan) Peoples.

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